We have our home visit from our social worker on November 29, right after Thanksgiving. I'm really excited that the home study will be complete soon, but I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a tad bit nervous. I've been a mad woman around my house trying to get the house spotless and trying to keep it that way! There are so many emotions going through this process.
We are also working on all of the documents that make up our dossier. Sometimes, it gets pretty overwhelming, so I have to make sure that I am taking one document at a time. I can't wait to look back on our dossier when it's complete, and think of all the sweat, tears, time and printer ink that went into it.
We've also been doing our required adoption training as well. We've completely fell in love with the Ethiopian culture. I cannot get enough of it, and all I keep doing is finding more books to read and more blogs to follow (Like I have any extra time in my life right now, to be able to do more). It's fun bonding and growing with my husband as well while we are going through our training. You think after 11 years of being with a person, you've got them down pretty well, but I love growing together and I'm amazed more and more everyday of him and his heart. I'm thankful that God chose Jordan to be my husband and partner in crime.
The fourth thing that we are trying to prepare is our USCIS I-600A form. It's basically a $670 immigration form that we have to submit along with our FBI fingerprints (Another $180). We are raising money right now for this step, by selling some stuff over the holidays. So, email me if you're interested in coffee or handmade headbands. I'm also custom-making christmas cards and invitations as well.
After these 4 things are complete, we get on the 6-9 month waiting list to be matched with our boy. Then, we wait.....................and wait....................and wait!
Every night, Jordan and I have a bedtime ritual we do with the kids every night. It always starts with "shaking out our sillies." Next, we read them 2 books, talk about the plans for the next day, and then we pray. Max is still little enough, that I get to rock him a little before I lay him down in his crib. Last night, I was rocking him and as his sweet little arms were wrapped around me, and his little head was rested on my shoulder, I just couldn't help but think, if my other baby boy was being rocked right now by someone.
This is the stuff that is starting to consume my thoughts. The thought that he is out there somewhere and I am across the world from him and can't hold him and rock him to sleep at night. I want him to feel safe. I want him to have hope. I want him to know that we are anxiously waiting for him to come home and that he belongs to us, but most importantly, I want him to know that he is loved. That he is loved more and more everyday, and I will rock him all day, everyday, if that is what it takes for him to know that he is loved once he's here. I desperately hope, that there is someone in his life right now, that he can feel that from. It tears me apart to think that he is not getting that.
I want to get to my son. I'm wanting this more and more everyday. Please continue to pray for us during this time. Pray for our son in Ethiopia. Pray that God is putting all of our prayers on his heart and that he can feel our love from across the world. Please pray for our homestudy visit, that everything goes smoothly and efficiently. Last but not least, please pray for our finances. Yes, we are still waiting on hearing about a settlement from our court case that is STILL going on. We are also starting to prepare for the rest of the cost of our adoption (the REALLY expensive part). Pray for God's provision and of course, for His glory to be seen through our journey.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Give thanks!